
Showing posts from May, 2017

Hidden Meaning of Text Messages

Heyy, We all text different kinds of people-usually crushes and friends of the same and opposite gender. Today, I'm basically going to be telling you about hidden meanings of texts from the opposite gender.  And ok, You might be thinking, "since when has K Glamour started writing about these kinda things?" and the answer is now. So anyway, I've messaged a guy and I could tell he wasn't really enjoying it. But then, I recently started talking to a new guy friend, and we had endless things to talk about. There were many ways how I came to know whether a guy likes to talk to me or not. Replies: If the person replies with okk, hmm or ohhh, then they are just typing something for the sake of replying. If you get a question as a reply, then that person is interested in knowing more. If they give a thoughtful, reply. they  care about you. Conversation starters: If he/she starts a topic, they want to talk to you. If it's something a bit personal, that mean...

Elements of Friendship

Hi guys! Here I am with another post just like I promised. Friendship is an important element of life. Our friendship with others affects our personality. There are many elements of friendship. let me describe each one. Honesty-be honest. if your friends can't trust you, how will your friendship be strong? Be trustworthy and tell the truth. If your friends care for you, they will understand. Loyalty-be loyal to your friends. Don't break promises and don't be a traitor. Keep secrets and let your friends know that you appreciate their friendship. Generosity-be generous. Don't be selfish and be willing ti give to your friends. Be generous to your friends and show them you care. Kindness- it also includes generosity. But being kind also means being friendly and caring. You can be kind by helping your friends or by being by their side. Laughter-friendship isn't fun if you don't laugh with your friends. Tell jokes and listen to them. Be funny a...