Hidden Meaning of Text Messages
We all text different kinds of people-usually crushes and friends of the same and opposite gender. Today, I'm basically going to be telling you about hidden meanings of texts from the opposite gender.
And ok, You might be thinking, "since when has K Glamour started writing about these kinda things?" and the answer is now.
So anyway, I've messaged a guy and I could tell he wasn't really enjoying it. But then, I recently started talking to a new guy friend, and we had endless things to talk about. There were many ways how I came to know whether a guy likes to talk to me or not.
- Replies: If the person replies with okk, hmm or ohhh, then they are just typing something for the sake of replying. If you get a question as a reply, then that person is interested in knowing more. If they give a thoughtful, reply. they care about you.
- Conversation starters: If he/she starts a topic, they want to talk to you. If it's something a bit personal, that means he/she considers you a good friend and trusts you. If you have to ask a person what you should talk about, they are not worth talking to. If they reply is idk, then that is also a sign of being unenthusiastic.
- Your personality while talking to them: If words come naturally while texting a person, that means you can be yourself around them and they like you for who you are. If you have to think extra hard so that you don't embarrass yourself even on text, that means even you are not able to talk them while being yourself.
- Time to reply: If that person replies quick enough, they are happy to see your message and can't wait to talk to you again. Also, if they write hi first, they want a reply so that you guys can talk. If you always have to say hi first, then that means he or she is too busy to actually talk to you or that they don't care if you guys talk or not.
- Emojis: If someone uses smilies, they are happy that you are talking to them. They want to how that they appreciate that you talk to them. If it's a sad or mad face, they want to let you know how they are feeling. They want to share their emotions with you because they think you deserve it.
You can easily tell whether a person actually wants to talk to you . Sometimes they might say they do but you can easily tell they don't. And for those who actually do, take time to show them that you like talking to them back.
Thx for reading,
K Glamour
That was quite accurate and informative. But it can't always be true. Sometimes certain things mean a lot different than what they seem and we can be fooled. You can't always simply go with what it looks like. But then like you said, we always get a gist of what the other person is saying if they like talking to us or not. I hope by now you know I like reading your blogs haha.