You are Not Alone...

Can you recall a day when you weren't happy and you just wanted to cry? Well, I think we've all been there. 

Sometimes, when we are feeling low, we for that somewhere else in the world, someone else is thinking the exact same thing. Also, when we are in a bad mood, we have the choice of locking ourselves away from the rest of the world or, going out there and enjoying. So instead of wanting to be alone, find someone to share your feelings with. There are many people that care fort you- parents, friends, teachers, siblings, and even pets.

You might've gotten a bad grade...tell someone about it.

You might have fought with a friend...tell someone about it.

You might have forgotten to do something extremely important and know you're devastated, embarrassed yourself, gotten hurt, etc. don't keep this to yourself.

You might not want to share your thoughts because you are scared someone will laugh at you. That's how I felt before starting this blog. Those who tease are not your real friends, Real friends will always make you feel better, not worse. Find someone who is happy to hear your feelings.

No matter how you feel, remember that you are not alone.
And by that statement I mean two things. First of all, you are not the only one who feels inferior sometimes. Secondly, you don't have to avoid the world during these situations. You are surrounded by people that care, so you can never be lonely. There are many with the same dreams for you and they will support you.

I hope this short and sweet blog post helped you see bad situations in a new way, What do you do when you are in a bad mood? Tell me in the comments below.

Thx for reading
-K Glamour


  1. That was really beautiful... And honestly I needed to read it today. It's great when things work out like this. I'm really into your work. I can't wait for the next blog.
    Have a nice day you!


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