How I Study for Exams

Dear readers,
My final exams start from the 27th and I'm studying really hard for them.
And there are some methods I use to revise and I find them really helpful and efficient. So, I've decided to share them with you. I hope these tips help you too.
  • I stick to my daily routine even on exam days. This includes music, games, friends, and more. But I always continue to have fun even during exam time. Sometimes, I talk to my friends  a little less than usual or watch less TV so that I have more time for studying. But I still take out time for them and my hobbies.
  • I complete the easy chapters first. It's better that way. I don't really know how to explain why...but it just is. But sometimes, I do the harder chapters first. It depends on the subject, syllabus and the time I have.
  • I don't worry too much bout the topics or questions I don't understand. Instead, I move on and focus on what I can do.
  • I never replace sleep with study hours. What one wants to accomplish can be done during the day. I don't stay up late to study or wake up early. Some people say that their day is really busy so they have to study at night. But, if you really want to sleep on time, you can. You just have to use your time efficiently.
  • I try to study outside in the natural light during the day and avoid studying after dark. 
  • After learning a topic or question, I explain it to someone else-a friend, my mom, or even a class of imaginary students. It really helps and I don't care if talking to non-existing people is weird.
  • I never memorize anything. cramming just leads to not remembering anything, so I always try to understand the answer. 
  • I set deadlines for myself. I set a goal to complete a certain number of topics within a certain time limit. This is also one way I avoid getting distracted.
  • I reward myself. For example, I take a snack break or call a friend after completing a chapter or two. This is another way I prevent myself from getting distracted.
  • And of course, I try to enjoy what I'm revising. I tell myself that getting good grades will be beneficial and I should perform well for myself, not anyone else. A positive attitude can be the solution to many problems especially exams.
Do you do any of these things while revising for your exams? What helps you while studying? Tell me in the comments below.

Thx for reading
-K Glamour


  1. Thanks for the tips... I think these would definitely help me alot....

  2. This is how everyone should be during exams. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a full boy. Awesome post. You're definitely going places K Glamour.
    Keep up the writing.


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