Boosting vs. Boasting

Hi everyone! Welcome back to K Glamour!

Today I wanna talk about two types of people in the world: boosters and boasters. Let me tell you more about both of these.

They usually boost you. That means they help you aim high and achieve your goals. Boosters will have full faith in you wherever you go. Boosting means trying your best to encourage someone to be successful. Boosters could include your parents, your friends, your teachers, and maybe your siblings. These people would not make fun of you or laugh at your weaknesses. They show you how talented you are. Boosters always want to help because they care about you. They like to show that by boosting you.

Boaster alert! Boasters are usually your enemies or maybe a YouTuber or blogger near you. (What? Don't look at me!) Some siblings also like boasting and they compete with you for everything. Boasting means bragging about your strengths and making others feel inferior. Boasters have no intention of helping- they just wanna show you how much better they are then you and want to make you feel bad about yourself. Boasters sometimes make you feel like you are not talented and that you can't ever beat them.

So here's what I say to this:

  1. Look for boosters and not for boasters.
  2. Respect your boosters- they deserve it.
  3. Ignore boasters and don't let them affect your confidence level.

Hey boosters! It's great you find boosting better than boasting. thanks for increasing the srtentgh of the booster team!

Hey boasters! Please stop wasting your time boasting- it won't take you anywhere. After reading this, I wonder if your attitude has changed about being one.

Thx for reading!

BTW, sorry if this was a short post and it looked like i didn't use any effort on this, but I did. It's been a while now and i just wanted to post something. I hope this was helpful. I'll create a better postidea next time.

See you later.



  1. Glad u liked it
    Thx for reading
    Have a great day

  2. Hey Booster!
    I really loved this post. The part where you praise the boosters was much appreciated as such people need to be told that they are valued. Keep writing like this K Glamour. You're going places.
    Best regards,


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